Dear Fellow “Wearable” Artists – Here’s a chance for us to blog to each other or to the world about our important Wearable Art happenings, ideas, and exchanges. We have always been a collaborative group. Let’s start simply by telling the world what to expect at the upcoming show on December 7-8th. What are you showcasing in your collection? What special offers do you have? What’s your perfect Holiday gift? Join the discussion!

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Summary - Jackie
Name: Jackie Ganim-DeFalco
Registered: September 19, 2012, 18:21
Posts: 2
Position: Administrator
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

Jacqueline ventured into the world of wearable art in 2003 and displayed her work for the first time at the October 2004 Sea Glass Festival which was started by seARTS in Rockport, MA.. Inspired by her husband Michael and their mutual passion for history and antique glass collecting, she decided to combine her business and creative skills. Recognizing an unfilled niche for high quality, custom designed hair accessories, she began to pull together pieces of sea glass and pottery found along the seashores of Cape Ann. Since that time, she has created a full collection of hair accessories and jewelry and has expanded to nearly twenty boutiques and has been featured in the Boston Globe, Cape Ann Magazine, the Cape Ann Beacon, and North Shore Magazine among others. In 2008, Jacqueline’s work appeared prominently in A Passion for Sea Glass, the latest book by author Carole Lambert. Jacqueline has also helped form the Wearable Arts group inside of seARTS and annually this group holds a show during the holiday season in Gloucester. In 2011, she created and ran “Celebrate Wearable Art!” -the first seARTS Wearable Art Runway Show to celebrate the group’s 5 year history.

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